Create a Big Mood Volcano
Hosted by: Girls Empowerment Network
Recommended Grades: 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
The Challenge: Have you ever felt like a volcano erupting? Like when stressful feelings get so big that your heart starts to beat really fast, your palms get sweaty...and you just ERUPT?! If you try to hold in big feelings and don't cope with them, an emotional eruption could happen. Make your big mood volcano using the steps and materials below.
Materials: Vinegar, Baking, Soda, Dixie Cup, Glitter
The Steps:
- Add vinegar to the cup
- Add some glitter to the vinegar in the cup
- Drop in the baking soda into the cup and watch the volcano erupt!
NOTE: This activity is messy! Make your volcano outside if you are able, or over a large bowl or in a sink!
Using healthy coping skills helps prevent emotional eruptions. One simple coping skill is taking deep breaths. Trace the volcano above with your finger from left to right. Trace up the volcano as you breathe in and down the volcano as you breathe out. Do this as many times as you'd like!
STEM Connections: When volcanoes erupt, they are transferring heat energy through lava to the surface of the earth. Our body also uses and generates energy to keep us moving each day. The cells in our body use the oxygen we breathe to get energy from the food we eat. Managing our mind and our stress and emotions and making sure we breathe and eat healthy foods helps us have the energy our body needs to be healthy.
About Girls Empowerment Network
Girls Empowerment Network’s mission is to ignite the power in girls by teaching them the skills to thrive and believe in their ability to be unstoppable. This mission comes to life in our programs through a curriculum designed to increase each girl's self-efficacy - her belief in her ability to succeed. Girls in grades 3-12 experience our self-efficacy curriculum at schools, camps, conferences, and virtually.
At Girls Empowerment Network, we’ve master the right formula to positively impact girls lives by teaching the Six Cs to self-efficacy: critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, confidence, and coping skills. When girls experience our self-efficacy building curriculum, their self-confidence increases. When they increase their self-confidence, they strengthen their internal belief in their power. When they feel powerful, they can be unstoppable.