Corporate, Community, and Campus Partners

Explore STEM Girl Day Partnerships and Sponsorships!
Collage of STEM Girl Day photos with corporate partners and participants

Each year, corporate, community, and campus partners are invited to join in and support STEM Girl Day at UT Austin. Lead a hands-on activity or demonstration. Sponsor a STEM Girl Day themed adventure. Get involved and inspire our future STEM workforce!

The STEM Girl Day at UT Austin Corporate, Community, and Campus Partner Application deadline was November 1. 

See below for sponsorship information, required forms, timelines, commitments and more. 

Partnership and Sponsorship Opportunities

The document below includes partnership and sponsorship opportunities information for STEM Girl Day at UT Austin 2025. The document may also be downloaded as a PDF. It will be updated in Summer 2025 for STEM Girl Day 2026 partnership opportunities.

At a minimum, all companies, company-affiliated affinity groups, and government agencies must join in at the Innovator level of sponsorship. Government and small business rates are available. Nonprofits and educational organizations are invited to participate at no cost.

Partners Deadlines and Confirmation Timeline:

Three forms plus one mandatory meeting are required for an organization to be fully confirmed to participate in STEM Girl Day 2026:

  • Form 1 - Deadline November 1: Partner Application Form. This form collects basic information about your organization and interest in participating in STEM Girl Day. Sign up to be notified when the Partner Application opens in late July 2025 for STEM Girl Day 2026. The deadline to apply for STEM Girl Day 2026 will be November 1, 2025.
  • Form 2 - Deadline November 15: Activity Registration Form. The Activity Registration Form will be sent to confirmed applicants within 5 business days of receipt of the Partner Application Form. The Activity Registration Form collects all logistics information regarding your planned activity, demonstration, or information booth, including initial Environmental Health and Safety requirements.
  • Form 3 - Submission Window November 21 - December 7: Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Audit Form. This form collects all the information needed by UT Austin's EHS department to confirm the safety of the activity for the event. This form may prompt other required forms or meetings.
  • January Mandatory Meeting - Numerous dates and times will be offered the week of January 12, 2026.

General Event Schedule for Partners:

  • 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Set-up
  • 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. STEM Girl Day at UT Austin: Event open to the public with STEM Activities, Events, Shows
  • 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Clean-up

UT Women in STEM (WiSTEM) provides...

  • 24+ years experience and name-brand recognition of UT Austin’s national award-winning STEM outreach and recruitment program.
  • Logistics, facilities, and activity/demonstration planning support.
  • Access to K-8 participants and community including Girl Scouts.
  • Public relations including press kit for partners, press releases, media advisories, promotional flyers and City of Austin proclamation.
  • Campus resources, including activity space, custodial services, WiFi, water, electricity, limited parking, website, app, and more.
  • Printed programs, maps, signs, tents, tables, chairs and decorations.
  • Access to food trucks and campus cafes.
  • Online registration and communications system for participants.
  • Training, t-shirts, and snacks for volunteers.
  • Impact data and participant demographics.

The following agreements are required on the Girl Day Campus, Community, and Corporate Partners Application and Activity Registration in order to participate:

  • I understand my organization and volunteers must adhere to all university policies and procedures.
  • I understand that space is limited and the organizers do their best to accommodate all requests.
  • I understand my organization must complete a UT Austin Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Audit form by December 6, 2024, and have approval by UT EHS in order to participate in the event.
  • I understand a representative of my organization must attend a mandatory meeting in January in order to participate in the event.
  • My organization will make our assigned space work for our activity or demonstration and will adjust our activity or plans as needed.
  • I understand my organization must plan accordingly with materials and volunteers so that our activity will remain open throughout the duration of the event. Closing early is a major disappointment to visitors and does not reflect well upon the organizers, my organization, or the overall event.
  • I understand my organization must provide my own extension cords, power strips, technology, hands-on activity materials, etc. unless explicitly discussed and communicated with the organizers. These items are not provided.
  • I understand my organization must engage enough volunteers to manage my activity/demo throughout the entirety of the event. General volunteers may not be available to assist.
  • I understand all volunteers, employees, and representatives from my organization must complete the required online STEM Girl Day training for the safety and security of our guests and event participants.
  • I understand the signage, activity creation/testing zone, volunteers, etc. for my organization's activity must be confined to the space assigned out of respect for other organizations participating.
  • I understand that marketing and media, including communications with news outlets, must be coordinated through Women in STEM (WiSTEM) at UT Austin. My organization will use appropriate hashtags and tag event organizers when posting about the event.
  • I understand that UT Board of Regents prohibits solicitation on campus without an approved written agreement. Non-UT organizations may not sell anything on campus (swag, subscriptions, anything). UT Austin student organizations must get approval from WiSTEM for food or swag sales at STEM Girl Day.
  • I agree to read all organizer communications, pass on appropriate information to my volunteers, staff, and other organization leaders or participants, and follow all safety training requirements.
  • I agree to ensure our space/room/area is completely cleaned at the conclusion of the event. This includes ensuring all trash is appropriately disposed of in trash bags, all signs are removed, all materials are returned to their appropriate place, and the space/room/area looks like we have never been there.
  • I understand that my organization will be responsible for paying for any cleaning penalties or damage to our space/room/area including desks, floors, sidewalks, concrete, bricks, walls, ceilings, etc. Our organization will be notified within one week after STEM Girl Day about any charges and will be invoiced within one month of STEM Girl Day.
  • I understand that in case of inclement weather, my activity may be moved, adjusted, or cancelled depending on the severity of the weather and/or safety concerns. If STEM Girl Day must delay its start, it will still finish at the scheduled end time.
  • STEM Girl Day cannot be rescheduled in case of university closure or other emergency and will be cancelled. It cannot be rescheduled for another date.
  • I agree to check out with the appropriate information tent or building coordinator or online as instructed before our organization departs the event.