Get Involved!

STEM Girl Day at UT Austin 2026 is scheduled for Saturday, February 28, 2026, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  

Each year, Corporate, Community, and Campus Partners are invited to lead hands-on STEM activities, demonstrations, or information booths at STEM Girl Day. Over 150 campus, corporate, and community partners participate annually with 2,000+ volunteers and STEM role models reaching ~10,000 K-8th graders plus their families and schools. Get involved, get inspired, and get the next generation of our STEM workforce excited about STEM possibilities early!

  • Corporate and government participation and partnership levels begin at $3,000. All participation and sponsorship opportunities can be found on the Corporate, Community, and Campus Partners webpage.
  • Small independent businesses and government agencies are invited to participate in STEM Girl Day at a greatly discounted sponsorship level of $2,000. This sponsorship amount covers Women in STEM's cost for each organization's participation (facilities, custodial, signage, technology, staffing, etc.).
  • Campus, education, and non-profit partners are invited to participate at no cost as long as space is available.

The Volunteer Application is open mid-January for college students and adults (in particular, STEM professionals) who are not affiliated with a corporate, community, or campus partner already leading a hands-on activity or demonstration.

Registration for elementary and middle school students, families, and educators to participate in STEM Girl Day is open December 1 through the event date.


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