Create Your Own Bubble Snake

Hosted by: Kate the Chemist

Watch the Kate the Chemist #UTGirlDay Show with Bubble Snakes, Science Demos & The STEM Night Disaster and then do the activity below at home.

Bubble Snake

Recommended Grades: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Materials Needed: plastic bottle, cloth towel, rubber band, bowl, spoon, 1/2 cup water, 1/4 cup dish soap, food coloring

Instructions: Watch the video below and create your own bubble snake by following along with Kate the Chemist.


Kate the Chemist

Science entertainer & associate professor of instruction

Kate Biberdorf is a chemist, science entertainer, and professor at The University of Texas at Austin. Through her theatrical and hands-on approach to teaching, Dr. Biberdorf is breaking down the image of the stereotypical scientist, while reaching students who might otherwise be intimidated by science. She is the author of four popular science books, including one of Amazon's Best Books of 2020, "The Big Book of Experiments". She has appeared repeatedly on national television, including The Today ShowThe Kelly Clarkson Show, and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, where she performs explosive chemistry demos and provides inspiring messages about science for all.

Learn more about Kate the Chemist on her website: