STEM Girl Day Orientation

Thank you for volunteering for STEM Girl Day at UT Austin! This orientation is required for ALL volunteers, staff, and organizations. The orientation contains information about emergency procedures and safety, effective practices for being a STEM role model, what to expect at the event, and more. It is critically important all volunteers, staff, and organizations are prepared and ready for the day to ensure the safety and security of all on campus. 

2 Steps to Complete STEM Girl Day Orientation

  1. Watch the 3 short videos below or watch the STEM Girl Day Orientation playlist of these videos on YouTube. Each video is <5 minutes.
  2. Review, read, and be familiar with the content on the Organization & Volunteer/Staff Resources webpage including the links on the "Organization & Volunteer/Staff Resources" sidebar.

It is HIGHLY recommended that all volunteers leading hands-on activities or demonstrations also complete the free Techbridge Role Models Matter 1-hour training. This training provides critical information on research-based effective strategies to engage kids (girls in particular) in STEM in ways that contribute to interest in and future pursuit of STEM academic and career pathways.

Orientation Video #1: About STEM Girl Day

Orientation Video #2: STEM Girl Day Emergency Procedures

Orientation Video #3: STEM Girl Day Schedule, Logistics, Role Model Basics

Thanks for volunteering and have a great day!