Summer STEM Girl Day at UT Austin

Explore STEM all summer long with these Summer STEM Girl Day at UT Austin "at home" activities. All activities were curated by campus, community, and corporate partners for STEM Girl Day at UT Austin. Thanks to 2024 STEM Girl Day presenting partners Halliburton and Hologic and all our corporate partners for supporting STEM Girl Day and STEM exploration for students all year long.

Summer STEM Girl Day Glass Shop Imaginary Invention Contest

Get creative with the Chemistry Department Glass Shop for an Imaginary Invention Contest. K-8th grade participants draw and describe their invention idea, how it works, and/or what problem it is solving in our world. A team of scientists and artists will select one idea from STEM Girl Day at UT Austin submissions and will bring this idea to life as an artistic glass sculpture to be debuted at STEM Girl Day 2025 on February 22, 2025. Learn more and submit your invention idea by Monday, July 8.

STEM Activities from selected Corporate, Community, and UT Austin Campus Partners

Build your engineering mindset this summer and get creative with these STEM activities from some of our corporate, community, and UT Austin campus partners. The activities below use household materials to explore science concepts, build math skills, and practice engineering problem-solving.

All Grades:
Grades K, 1, 2, 3:
Grades 4, 5, 6:
Grades 6, 7, 8: